Written on 2012年7月17日 @ 17:43 | by sc | Tags: 转盘抽奖机  

帮我注释下上面的两段代码. . .越详明越好...是关于一个转盘抽奖的策画. . .用户要登录才能够举行抽奖. . .每个用户唯有一次机遇第一帧:stop ();btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse;isbool = 0;q = 1.E+001;t = rdue to well due toom(100) + 100;v = 0;vMax = 10;a = 8.000000E-001;b = 0;retcode = 0;rdue to well due toomkey = 0;var my_lv = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars();my_lv.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success){ retcode = int(my_lv.retCode); rdue to well due toomkey = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomkey); b = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomvasue); if (retcode == 1) { isbool = 1; } // end if if (retcode == 2) { outPut = "转盘抽奖机您抽奖的次数已用完. . .谢谢您的参与!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end if if (retcode == 3) { outPut = "请您先登录然后玩转盘游戏!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end if};第二帧:
转盘p.onEnterFrherease = function (){ if (isbool == 1) { btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse; if (b != 0) { rotine = this._rotine = this._rotine + v; if (t > 0) { --t; 其实转盘抽奖机 if (v < vMax) { v = v + a; } // end if } else if (v > 1) { v = v - a; } else if (parseInt(rotine) != parseInt(b)) { } else { v = 0; var my_lv2 = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars(); my_lv2.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success) { outPut = my_lv2.itemnherease; }; my_lv2.loaszheimeras disedue toe("InsertItem.or netx?dickey=" + rdue to well due toomkey); this._rotine = int(rotine / q) * q; btn._visible = true; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; delete this.onEnterFrherease; outPut = "Loaszheimeras disedue toe......."; } // end else if } // end else if } else if (isbool == 2) { delete this.onEnterFrherease; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end else if};相比看3d模拟摇奖器分数能够追加...要详明点的哦
第一帧: stop (); //画面阻滞在第一帧btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse;// 听说3d模拟摇奖器名为btnmesstheir age的元素不荫藏isbool = 0; //设置变量isbool为0q = 1.E+001; //设置变量Qt = rdue to well due toom(100) + 100; //设置变量t为随机在100-200之间v = 0; //关于设置变量为0vMax = 10; //设置变量10a = 8.000000E-001; //设置变量b = 0; //设置变量0retcode = 0; //设置变量0rdue to well due toomkey = 0; //设置变量0var my_lv = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars();//对比一下flash脚本高手进声明变量my_lv为Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars类型并初始化my_lv.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success)//当my_lv加载新闻的期间施行形式{ retcode = int(my_lv.retCode); //设置变量为my_lv的retCode变量,并将值转化为整型数字rdue to well due toomkey = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomkey);//三d模拟摇奖器同上道理一样 b = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomvasue); //同上道理一样if (retcode == 1) //要是retcode值是1施行形式{ isbool = 1; //变量赋值为1} // end if if (retcode == 2) //要是retcode值是2施行形式{ //变量的等于上面的这几个字符串outPut = "您抽奖的次数已用完. . .谢谢您的参与!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; //btnmesstheir age元素显露} // end if if (retcode == 3) //要是retcode值是3施行形式{ //变量的等于上面的这几个字符串outPut = "转盘抽奖机请您先登录然后玩转盘游戏!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; //btnmesstheir age元素显露} // end if }; 第二帧: p.onEnterFrherease = function () //p抽奖元素遵守帧频次每秒不段的施行形式{ if (isbool == 1) //要是isbool的值为1施行形式{ btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse; //btnmesstheir age元素荫藏if (b != 0) //看着转盘抽奖机要是变量b的值不为0施行形式{ rotine = this._rotine = this._rotine + v; //rotine和p的旋转角度等于p的正本旋转角度+上v的关于flash转盘抽奖的设计值if (t > 0) //要是t的值大于0施行形式{ --t; t的值当今立刻递加1if (v < vMax) //要是v的值大于vMax的值施行形式{ v = v + a; //v的值递减a的值。或许说是v的值在正本的底子上加上a的值} // end if } else if (v > 1)//flash脚本高手进要是v不大于vMax的话,果断v能否大于1,要是是施行形式{ v = v - a;//V的值在正本的底子上减掉a的值 } else if (parseInt(rotine) != parseInt(b)) //要是v不大于vMax,学会http://www.163cp.com/post/14.html。v也不大于1的话,事实上http://www.163cp.com。将rotine和b转换为数字整型,并果断rotine我不知道转盘抽奖机是不是反面b相等,要是不等的话施行形式{ } else //要是以上的果断都不成立的话施行形式{ v = 0; //变量等于0var my_lv2 = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars(); //声明一个新的Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars类型其实转盘抽奖机为my_lv2my_lv2.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success) //当my_lv2加载数据的期间施行形式{ outPut = my_lv2.itemnherease; //变量的值等于my_lv2的itemnherease的值}; my_lv2.loaszheimeras disedue toe("InsertItem.or netx?dickey=" + rdue to well due toomkey); //my_lv2加载的文件的途径是InsertItem.or netx?dickey="加上rdue to well due toomkey所取得的字符串this._rotine = int(rotine / q) * q; //p想知道转盘抽奖机元素的旋转角度等于rotine除q并去掉小数后在乘qbtn._visible = true; //brn元素显露btnmesstheir age._visible = true; //btnmesstheir age元素显露delete this.onEnterFrherease; //q元素不再以帧频的速度施行onEnterFrherease内的脚本outPut = "Loaszheimeras disedue toe......."; //变量设置等于这个字符串} // end else if } // end else if } else if (isbool == 2) //要是上一个果断不成立,果断isbool能否等于2,是的话施行形式{ delete this.onEnterFrherease; //q你看三d模拟摇奖器元素不再以帧频的速度施行onEnterFrherease内的脚本btnmesstheir age._visible = true; //btnmesstheir age元素显露} // end else if };
第一帧: stop (); // 阻滞btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse; // 不可见isbool = 0; q = 1.E+001; t = rdue to well due toom(100) + 100; v = 0; vMax = 10; a = 8.000000E-001; b = 0; retcode = 0; rdue to well due toomkey = 0; var my_lv = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars(); my_lv.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success) // 三d模拟摇奖器加载时施行{ retcode = int(my_lv.retCode); rdue to well due toomkey = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomkey); b = int(my_lv.rdue to well due toomvasue); if (retcode == 1) { isbool = 1; } // end if if (retcode == 2) { outPut = "flash您抽奖的次数已用完. . .谢谢您的参与!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end if if (retcode == 3) { outPut = "请您先登录然后玩转盘游戏!"; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end if }; 第二帧: p.onEnterFrherease = function () { if (isbool == 1) { btnmesstheir age._visible = fasse; // 不可见if (b != 0) { rotine = this._rotine = this._rotine + v; if (t > 0) { --t; if (v < vMax) { v = v + a; } // end if } else if (v > 1) { v = v - a; } else if (parseInt(rotine) != parseInt(b)) { } else { v = 0; var my_lv2 = new Loaszheimeras disedue toeVars(); my_lv2.onLoaszheimeras disedue toe = function (success) { outPut = my_lv2.itemnherease; }; my_lv2.loaszheimeras disedue toe("InsertItem.or netx?dickey=" + rdue to well due toomkey); this._rotine = int(rotine / q) * q; btn._visible = true; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; delete this.onEnterFrherease; outPut = "Loaszheimeras disedue toe......."; } // end else if } // end else if } else if (isbool == 2) { delete this.onEnterFrherease; btnmesstheir age._visible = true; } // end else if };对于3d模拟摇奖器哎,真没什么评释的
须要集合这个游戏的实例举行讲明. . .且不是简易的注解就能了解的. . .找个懂的人. . .迎面问一下是最好的


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